Grit is the engine that moves us toward our goal. Resilience is the oil that keeps the engine moving.
— Kori Miller


  • A health and wellness coach works with you to build an action plan that aligns with your unique strengths and values. They motivate you to stick to your goals and take consistent action, which ultimately leads to lasting changes and improvements in your health and well-being. Coaching offers the opportunity for deeper self-awareness, self-care, and self-efficacy, enabling you to become your best self.

    Coaching doesn’t focus on diagnosing, treating or healing illnesses, disorders or diseases. Rather, it’s centered around healthy behaviors and lifestyle choices that support overall wellness and prevent chronic disease. It is highly collaborative, supportive and is centered on empowerment and fostering autonomy. A health coach is not there to 'fix' you because you are not broken; they're there to support your personal growth and self-efficacy.

    If you are ready to take charge of your health and well-being, and could use some help staying accountable, motivated, and supported along your journey, then working with a health coach could be the perfect solution. With my guidance and encouragement, you can unlock your full potential, conquer any barriers, and move forward with a clearer path to achieving your health and wellness goals.

    Schedule an Intro Call

  • One’s personal trauma has an influence on one’s identity and the way they view their experiences. A trauma-informed approach is anchored in the present. I meet clients where they are and am aware of the nuances clients experience from trauma.

  • At this time, I meet with clients on a virtual basis only. I hope to meet clients in person in the future.

  • Clients will be directed to the YouCanBookMe (YCBM) page to book sessions. Once a session is booked, a Zoom virtual meeting link will be sent automatically via the email you provide. I use Zoom to coach clients. Zoom is HIPAA- compliant, user-friendly, and free to clients. All correspondence between the coach and client is conducted through Google Workspace. When clicking on BOOK NOW or SCHEDULE AN INTRO CALL, you will be directed to the YCBM page to book an initial session.

  • Post-Traumatic Growth involves life-changing psychological shifts in thinking and relating to the world, contributing to a personal process of change, which is deeply meaningful. It can be characterized by changes in the following areas:

     1. Changed perception of self: Developing new inner strength, confidence, self-reliance, or self-acceptance.

     2. Changed relationships: Greater empathy and compassion for others, stronger relationships, and understanding the value of social connections.

     3. Changed philosophy of life: A greater appreciation for life, reassessment of priorities, or setting of new life goals.

     4. Spirituality: Becoming more spiritual or changing religious beliefs, developing a greater sense of purpose, or finding new meaning in life.

    Through evidence-based coping strategies and interventions like mindfulness, emotional regulation, narrative development, and art therapy, individuals can navigate through the chaos and disorder of their experiences and rebuild a more authentic and empowered sense of self. With support, compassion, and acceptance, they can process their emotions, rewrite their narratives, and find strength in their vulnerability.

    Post-traumatic growth often results in improved resilience - the ability to adapt to stressful situations or crises, and better coping skills to manage stress effectively and recover from adversity more quickly. These changes can ultimately improve life satisfaction and general well-being.