Welcome! I am happy you’re here. I am Christina Corsetty, MA, NBC-HWC

As the driving force behind Balanced & Renewed You Wellness Coaching, I focus on creating an environment where every woman, especially those navigating the complexities of autoimmune diseases, feels empowered and understood. My mission is to provide you with the tools and support necessary to overcome the unique challenges of autoimmune conditions, foster resilience, and promote post-traumatic growth. Together, we'll tread the path of wellness, effecting lasting changes that celebrate your strength and individuality. I invite you to join me in transforming challenges into stepping stones toward a balanced, renewed you.

Let me help you become a BALANCED & RENEWED YOU!

Let me help you become a BALANCED & RENEWED YOU!


My why is pretty simple. In my 30s I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and celiac disease. It was a rough road for me in finding a doctor who would take me seriously. Was I really asking for that much? All I was asking for was to be seen for who I am, not what I suffered from. There is one thing I learned on my journey, that NO ONE should have to go it alone. I ask myself… “How can I be an anchor for those voices unheard?”  There is a quote by Meghan O’Rourke that resonates with me, it is a quote from her book, The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness. It reads, “There is a loneliness to illness, a child's desire to be pitied and seen. But it is precisely this recognition that is elusive. How can you explain and identify your condition if not one has any grasp of what it is you suffer from and the symptoms wax and wane? How do you describe a disease that's not always there?” A simple, “I hear you” and “I can support you” are a few words that can mean the world and make someone feel seen. Is that too much to ask?

I am here to help you thrive

As the passionate heart and guiding soul of Balanced & Renewed You Wellness Coaching, I dedicate myself to offering care that respects and celebrates cultural differences. I aim to equip you with the knowledge and resources to realize your health and well-being aspirations. While I hold a special place in my heart for assisting women through the intricate journey of autoimmune diseases, my support extends to all women seeking a path toward wellness.

Walking with you side by side, I provide the guidance and support essential for enacting lasting behavioral changes that nourish your mental and physical health. In the United States, autoimmune diseases impact one out of every fifteen individuals, disproportionately affecting women (Cleveland Clinic, 2021).

My commitment is to help those living with autoimmune conditions overcome the trauma and despair linked to their symptoms, the loneliness they often feel, and the lack of understanding they encounter. Employing a trauma-informed approach and highlighting the importance of post-traumatic growth, my goal is to cultivate resilience and encourage you to view your situation in a new light, allowing you to flourish in the face of challenges (Today, 2019). Being diagnosed with a chronic illness can feel profoundly isolating, a journey punctuated by cycles of grief and acceptance, despair giving way to empowerment (Ebba, 2018).

Creating a judgment-free and secure environment will give you the clarity to tackle your condition's daily obstacles and adversities. Trauma affects everyone differently, eliciting a wide range of responses, underscoring the critical need to recognize and respond to each individual's distinct experience (Marschall, 2021). By aiding you in tapping into your resilience and leveraging your proven coping strategies, we foster a mindset geared toward growth, boosting your confidence to survive and thrive.

My empathy for those battling autoimmune diseases is deeply personal, as I have faced and triumphed over Hashimoto's and celiac disease myself. This personal journey fuels my commitment to ensure that you feel seen and heard. Together, we explore the depth of your experiences, aiming to enhance your psychosocial well-being and foster a stronger sense of empowerment and comprehension.

At its core, Balanced & Renewed You is not just a wellness coaching service—it is a sanctuary where transformation, healing, and empowerment are cultivated, assuring that every woman can emerge radiantly, even amid the challenges posed by autoimmune disease.

Let's embrace this journey, transforming obstacles into stepping stones toward wellness, empowerment, and ultimate renewal.

Life’s trials will test you, and shape you, but don’t let them change who you are.
— Aaron Lauritsen
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
— Lao Tzu